Saturday, September 20, 2008

Yates Cider Mill

We had the fun opportunity to meet up with my brother and his family at a local cider mill today. The true purpose was to get pictures of his family for a project I am putting together, but it was nice to have a little bit of time with them as well. The river was up really high, so it took a while to find a good spot but I think they turned out pretty good! I had too many to choose from so here are just a few.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My wonderful Kid

Most parents believe that their kid is the most wonderful child known to man. But when someone else says it, there is something much more meaningful to the word. The other day, our daughter Hannah was said to be "wonderful" and it made me very proud.

Hannah is in 6th grade and because the junior high does not begin until 7th grade, she is still in elementary school. Some kids I'm sure hate that they are still in with kindergartners but it doesn't seem to bother Hannah one bit. Instead, I think she enjoys the responsibilities that come with it. This year, Hannah got the privilege to serve as a "Safety". Her assignment was to work with the Life Skills class (special ed). She takes the students to recess, eats lunch with them and then gets them safely to their buses at the end of the day. Its quite a task, especially when you are dealing with special needs children, but Hannah adores them. She tells me stories all the time about them and how much they like her or how a few students are adjusting. The amazing thing is that she doesn't ever mention what is wrong with them. She just loves them and how enthusiastic they are. Even now it brings tears to my eyes because I know that there many times when I see someone with a disability and I don't always have the compassion that I should for them. To Hannah, it just doesn't seem to matter.

On Tuesday night, at open house, Hannah introduced me to Mrs. Miller, a helper in the class Hannah assists. She was an elderly, gray haired woman who was as sweet as they come. Mrs. Miller told me how wonderful Hannah was. She said "from the first day, Hannah just came into the class and went about like she had always been doing the job." Her eyes were wet as she went on and I struggled to keep my eyes dry. Hannah, with bright red cheeks, smiled from ear to ear. She was proud, too, of how well she was doing. All I could say was that "It doesn't surprise me." Which seemed very lame, but it was true. Hannah was just born with a desire to help other people (though, I wish that would include her brother). I am never surprised to hear people say things such as what Mrs. Miller said.

I know that people change with time and that sometimes we can turn away from the gifts God has placed in our lives, but I pray that the gift of "Caring" is something that Hannah never grows away from.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Here It Goes Again!

Once again, summer has flown by us and where once I was blogging about cheap ways to fill our vacation, now it is back to school time. When I asked the kids if they were excited about going back, I got very different responses. Hannah said she was very excited because she was going into 6th grade. Caleb told me flat out "no" (he is in 4th).

In honor of the last day of summer vacation, I created the "no electronics" day yesterday. This meant, no t.v., no video games and no computer (unless you are checking email) from breakfast time until bedtime. It was torture for Caleb who felt that he could not breathe without playing his Nintendo D.S., and I even caught myself wanting to turn on the t.v. to waste some time. Most of the day, though, we filled enough to make everyone too busy to think about it. We had a picnic lunch at Stony Creek Park on the beach then later that evening spent time at a friend's house, catching up with people we had not seen in a long while. The kids were so exhausted from swimming both at the beach and in the evening, it only took a short time before both curled up in their beds fast asleep.

Now, I am once again, home alone as my kids boarded the bus just over 30 minutes ago. I guess I should stop procrastinating and get my butt to the gym!